
VINDICTA -ae, f. Latin (vindico)

DEFINITION: the rod with which the praetor touched the slave who was to be manumitted, a manumission staff 


Now, let’s break this down.  During the times of the Roman Empire you were either Roman or “the conquered”; ergo the famous line by Julius Caesar “Veni, Vidi, Vici.”  Translating to “I came, I saw, I CONQUERED.”

Who were the “the conquered”?

During the Roman Empire, slaves were the people that were captured during battle. Any land that had resources valuable to the Romans, precious metals, jewels, spices, livestock (oil); they were conquered by the Romans (until their demise of course).

Slaves had no color during those times and Rome owes its success to its slaves. Who do you think built the Colosseum? The Emperor? In Rome, your status as a slave was based off of geographic not demographics.  You were brought because you were a part of the “conquered.” The only way that a slave could be freed was by a praetor or a magistrate of the court with his manumission staff (vindicta).

Manumit means to release from slavery or to set free.  I want to be your praetor!  Give you the power to release from mental slavery.  I want to provoke you to think…think for yourself and stop being a slave to your mind….to everything you “think” you know.  How much is fact and how much is fiction to everything you “know”? Do you really know?

If you pay attention, hopefully this blog will serve as “vindicta” to those of you that are still enslaved by your mind. BE FREE!!

So get ready to take the red pill….history likes to repeat itself…

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