The Government Shutdown: Aftermath of Bigotry

Posted: October 29, 2013 in Apathy, Government, Ignorance
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I wanted to see the end results of the shutdown before I wrote about it. Honestly, the aftermath of the shutdown has left an

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impression of who can the American people trust? I know that is the impression left with me. Generally, when it comes to the government I am skeptical, but Mr. Capitol Hill can’t even perform the basic function of his job.

Everyone wanted to blame the Republicans, which I agree is most at fault, but it is the Democrats too. Their job is determine a budget for the year and implement it not bicker. No one was willing to negotiate anything. I just felt like the shutdown was meaningless and it was all tactic to try and repeal the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, to issues about raising the debt ceiling. I think the only reason why the shutdown ended was due to us about to default on our bills which would have been even more chaotic. This outlandish scheme of political games acted by Congress at the expense of the American people is outlandish. If this shutdown lasted more than it did, we would have went into another recession. What little of this economy that has been rebuilt down to crumbles once again. We as Americans cannot afford to go through that again.

According to TIME magazine, the government shutdown actually costs the American people $24 billion. There were about 800,000 federal employees without work for 16 days. Regardless the shutdown still took its toll on the economy costing us $24 billion according to TIME Magazine. All of this because some old guys on Capitol Hill want to treat politics like its sport while they were the ones who still got paid.

We need to start lobbying for ourselves rather than trusting these politicians with taxpayers money. We elected them and as representatives of our districts we have every right to complain and make sure that our voices are being heard. We can say go Independent but until those candidates can get endorsed for millions of dollars who is really “listening” to them anyway. This is America where green is a color that no one can debate. The more green you have the better off you are. But the question still lies: Who can you trust in this land of greed?

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