Matters of [Ignorance]

There are so many issues that, as Americans, we decide to put the mask over our faces like we didn’t see anything and keep on going.  This country is so much more than our issues and only WE have the power to change it.  We encounter daily issues that are screaming at us in our faces just like the little girl stuck on the train, but what’s the mentality we have? “I’m comfortable, I’m fine. That has NOTHING to do with me. My bills are paid.” Like these issues don’t effect you too? This attitude is why we have ongoing problems.  The problem is yelling at you through the window, solving the problem is simple.  Just get the door open. Problem solved.

One thing about the human condition: problems with easy solutions are always made complicated due to the complexity of the human mind.  What’s even sadder is that some problems we deal with in America are exactly that; the problem is yelling at you, staring at you in the face, and to fix it is a simple solution. What will YOU DO once that challenge has been brought to you? Will you DO SOMETHING or be apart of an audience?

WE HAVE GOT TO DO BETTER!!! We don’t realize the power of our influence that could potentially improve the quality of our country. We don’t realize our authority because we don’t practice it.  Fear steps in and we become void.  We blame other people for the problems we suffer and expect someone else to fix them. When is the day of fear no longer controls you? When will you take a stand?

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